3MT100 - Chaos

Chaos is the erratic behavior of simple nonlinear dynamical systems. This course covers the basic fundamentals of chaos theory, including the concept of scaling and universal route to chaos, and its connection to these non-linear, deterministic but unpredictable dynamical systems. From simple chaotic maps, to the physics of fractals and multi-fractals via the concept of […]

3MT120 - Advanced Computational Fluid and Plasma Dynamics

The course guides students to the hand-on discovery of several classical numerical methods commonly used to study the dynamics of fluids and plasmas: from continuum computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approaches (Spectral and finite volume), to the Lattice Boltzmann (LBM), particles based methods (Molecular Dynamics, Brownian and Stokesian dynamics) and Particle-in-cell Monte Carlo (PIC-MC). [Link to […]

3CS03 - Caput Theoretical Physics: Theory of liquids

Liquids lack the long-range order typical for solids. Collisional processes and short-range correlations distinguish liquids from dilute gases. Therefore, no idealized models comparable with the perfect gas or the harmonic solid are available for even simple liquids. During the last half of the 20th century a rapid progress has been made in our understanding of […]

3T350 - Chaos

This course is the continuation of 3T220 (Chaos), but now with a greater emphasis on the application of Chaos concepts to fluids. Chaos is the seemingly erratic behavior of simple deterministic, but nonlinear dynamical systems. We will first discuss the route to chaos, where we will already encounter the scaling concepts that will return in […]

3T380 - Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics

Quick links: [Link to course schedule] [Link to lecture notes] [Link to additional books and material] [Link to exercises] [Link to possible individual assignments] The 3T380 course provides an introduction to advanced computational methods useful to investigate fluid flows from the micro to the macro-scales under laminar and turbulent flow regime. The course will present an overview of several complementary computational methods. […]